Coulda Woulda Shoulda. Ever think what you would have done if you had a chance to do it over? Well stop thinking like that. It only happens in the movies. Like Back to the Future. Like Groundhog Day.
And Source Code.
If you have seen previews, you may know that Jake Gyllenhaal stars as some guy on a mission to prevent a disaster and he has 8 minutes to get it done. On a train. Jeffrey Wright and Vera Farmiga star as Doc Emmett Brown. I kept asking if Vera Farmiga was Maggie Gyllenhaal. Do they look alike at all?
When you have a limited time to get something done, it's always good to keep track of your time. And Jake does this with a rather fine looking watch that is prominently and frequently displayed. What a successful product placement! Well, enough for me to find out what watch it is (Swiss Army Chrono XLS MT), but not enough to buy one (proud owner of a Seiko Black Monster Automatic).
Keeping to LQMR policy, I will try not to give away too much of the movie. I know Jake is on a mission and has several opportunities to get it done, but he really should enjoy it a little more and try to have as much fun with it as Bill Murray does in Groundhog Day.
We enjoyed this movie and thought it was worth the $1.07 one night rental.
Just remember: In real life it doesn't matter what kind of watch you have. When your 8 minutes are up, they're up.