Thursday, February 16, 2012

How to Get Things Done

I woke up yesterday and checked the forecast - supposed to be very sunny with temperatures just hitting 60F. I figured since it was going to be nice, I should do several things (in order of priority: get catfood, go on a run in my UGLYSHOES (TM), and change my car oil. What did I get done? Read on.

First, some motivational quotes...

I'm not always motivated. But when I am, I drink DOS EQUIS.

The only easy day was yesterday.

Just do it.

Get Motivated.
Some things are easy to get done due to immediate external motivating forces. Like cats. We were out of catfood. I love my cats and hate hearing them whine, so no matter what I was going to make sure I got catfood before dinnertime.

External motivating force - four whining cats. high.

Some things are a little harder to get done because of lower levels of external motivating forces. I didn't need an oil change immediately, but I decided since the weather was unusually nice for winter, I would go to the parts store and get the materials for an oil change. However, even though changing your own oil is relatively easy, it is still a pain. I wasn't excited about doing it and DIY oil change doesn't save a whole lot of money. So I called the local oil change place and made an appointment for the afternoon.

External motivating forces - need to eventually change oil - low.
unusually good weather day - medium
save a few bucks by doing it yourself - low, so have someone else do it.

Some things are a lot harder because there are very low levels of external motivating forces. I kind of hate running. I even designed a sticker to prove it. (Buy one!) I already went for a run the day before. I am in decent shape.

Recognize the seeds of motivation and take advantage of it
So how do you motivate yourself when external motivating forces are low? You look for the seeds of internal motivation, seize them and make them grow! You say you are not motivated? Not true. The seed of motivation in your head sounds like this:

"Wow, I really ought to ..."

Now when you hear this thought, you have two choices. You can go back to sleep, watch tv, etc...OR you can seize that thought and develop it into action. That thought is the beginning of your motivation. Don't wait for it to go away. Take that thought and build on it until you must act.

"Huh, the weather is supposed to be nice today. I really ought to go on a run. It would be nice to run in warmer weather so I can run in shorts and a t-shirt instead of all the winter layers. I had a nice run yesterday, I wonder if I will run as fast today. I could test out how my UGLYSHOE #2 compares to my UGLYSHOE #1..." And BAM! I went on a run.

Plans are good but seize opportunities
I planned to get my oil change yesterday afternoon. While I was out getting cat food, I decided to pop by the car service place next to the grocers and check their rates and availability. Turns out it was cheaper and there was no line so I decided to do it now. Oil change done!

Professional Procrastination
Be lazy, but be good at being lazy. I am lazy, but I am good at it. I know how to prioritize, when something has to get done, how long it takes to complete, how to work under a last minute pressure, and HOW NOT TO WORRY WHILE PROCRASTINATING. The last part is pretty important. If you are going to worry about something the whole time you are putting it off, you might as well do it now. Procrastination creates its own external motivating force because when you wait to the last minute there is no question you will need to get it done.

Make A Deadline
This goes with being a professional procrastinator. Write down your deadline. This is why I hate to do lists. They usually don't have a deadline. It's just a list of things to get to. Get yourself a calendar (not a digital one) that shows the whole week or whole month (preferred) in one view. It should have plenty of writing space. Write down the due date for all the stuff you need to do. When you finish it, check it off or cross it off. It feels so good when you check it off. Trust me. I know it sounds cheesy but it works. What if certain things (like personal self improvement goals) don't have a due date? You create one. Then check it off. You better believe I checked off cat food and oil change on my calendar!

Create a Habit
What are things you do regularly that need no motivation, internal or external? I would argue that it is brushing your teeth. Yes, we brush our teeth for health and social reasons but it is so habitual for me I don't mentally tell myself I NEED to brush my teeth. I just do it. Whatever you want to get done, turn it into a habit.

It was about 3pm yesterday and I was feeling good. I was laying on my back in the sun. I accomplished my to do list for the day - cat food, oil change, run, and in addition some loads of laundry. Time to relax. I saw a couple of jets in the sky with contrails. I looked at the trees in the yard, including a couple that had ivy spanning up to the treetops...

"you know, I ought to try to chop that ivy sometime before it kills the tree. The weather is good right now, but I'm enjoying laying in the sun. But the weather is perfect, no mosquitoes, no poison ivy..." seed of motivation! take advantage!

BLAM! I'm up, I'm up! I'm looking for the tree pruners and it's not where I expected.
"I can't find the tree pruners...I'd have to look in the garage...I'll do it some other time..."
I pushed myself to go to the garage. Darn, I found them. So now I had to go cut some ivy. I cut ivy for awhile, but then I found some thick roots that could not be clipped.

"Damn, too bad...I'd need my shovel (e-tool) or my maul to cut these. I'd have to go back in and get them. next time..." you are motivated now! keep going!

I dragged myself back inside and found the tools and continued to work on the tree. Awhile later, forearms and hands sore, I finished one tree. I hope the ivy dies now that the roots are chopped. I looked over at the other tree. I've already done well. Got one tree done. I have all the tools out already! I have time! Keep going!

An hour before, I was on my back in the sun, looking at the sky. An hour later, I have hopefully saved two trees from being choked to death by ivy. I drag all the tools in and stumble into the shower and minutes later emerge warm, clean and relaxed.