Friday, February 3, 2012

Get Rid of Your Useless Stuff

Hey, all that stuff you have laying around that you never use? get rid of it. I know, you're saving it "just in case". Well if that just in case hasn't happened within the last year, it's time to let it go.

I'm being a little hypocritical because I've kept tons of things for "just in case". You're reading about a person who left a whole non functional automobile at his parents' house for a large number of years...Raw materials like wood, foam, leather, clothes that can't be worn in public anymore, sheaves of papers and "inspirational" reference images for future designs, books I never read anymore, and toys that have some sort of value either collector-wise or psychological.

Well, the nice thing about a new year is that it is a good (if somewhat arbitrary) timepoint to make a change. And I'm going to try to get rid of some stuff. I am absolutely not trying to be a minimalist but moreso to free up my house and my mind of clutter.

With that in mind I dropped some stuff off to Goodwill. Some clothes, books, and a few toys I never use. The low hanging fruit. I figure a few more donations and it will psychologically get a little tougher. Another thing, if you don't have enough motivation to do it for yourself, do it for people in need. Think of the people Goodwill can help by selling your crap.

The key is to make a start.

Then don't give up and keep chipping away at it.