Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Have you watched Jiro Dreams of Sushi?

SPOILER ALERT. it's about sushi!

This documentary is about Jiro Ono, an 85 year old master who is continuously trying to perfect his skills in the art of making sushi. He is so obsessed with sushi that he um, dreams of it.

Worth watching.

(Newcomers, per my Lightning Quick movie review policy / Hemingway baby shoes school of writing i try not to get too descriptive about the movie. just a quick one or two sentence summary then if I recommend it. Bam. Papa.)

In addition, here are a few of my takeaways from the movie.

1. try to find something to do that you love so much that you dream about it.
whether it's working for money or just a hobby, everyone needs a passion. 

2. whatever you do (even if you dont like it) do your best.
after watching this movie i found myself at work trying to do tasks to perfection, whether i like it or not. hopefully however mundane the task maybe there is some art visible in it.

3. balance.
dont let your obsession take over your life.