Friday, January 6, 2012

LL Bean Wicked Good Moccasins: theevildrsin approved

Since Christmas Day, my feet have been mostly ensconced in these shearling moccasins handmade by Leon Leonwood himself, in a factory in China, from genyou-wine Australian sheep. It is a testament to the greatness achieved from a Sino/Aussie/Maineland collaboration.

- both are furry and warm. but only one is wicked good. the other is just wicked.

I have until recently been a toeshoe wearing fool. regular shoes are just too constricting to me. So I happy to find that my toes have enough space in these pockets of sheep fur. There is just enough memory foam padding to insulate but not over desensitize your feet to the terrain. The outsoles are rubber to allow you to venture outdoors. In fact I've gone to the grocer's in them already. Next, work!

- nope. not slippers.

Now I understand why I see a bunch of people running around in THAT shearling footwear brand popularized by countless reality shows. Ugh.

During dry days in the winter I'm not sure why I would ever wear anything else.

I do have a concern. Leon says you are not supposed to machine wash them. Well people wear this barefoot and I suspect one day these are going to get funky. What then? I'll probably try to machine wash anyway and report back. Hell, sheep do get wet, don't they?

The rubber sole looks stitched on, so maybe if I wear the sole down I can stitch on some new ones, if available. My target lifespan for these shoes are 5 years, but wearing them all the time during cold months may reduce that.

$59. Free shipping.