Sunday, October 16, 2011


Sunday. Sleep in and wake up in a bed with pillows and a comforter SO fluffy it's called The Cloud. Make some coffee and perhaps a breakfast quiche and watch the Sunday Morning Show. Walk the dog and let her sniff EVERYTHING. No rush, just enjoy the heat of the sun on your face.

Time for a swim. Pick a lane there's no crowd. Warm up those muscles in the hot tub and then even though it's Sunday it's now time for Work! One mile later and we emerge with pleasantly tired muscles and step outside. The fall weather is still warm enough to sit on the outdoor pool deck and dry in the sun.

Hungry. Off to the grocers for a salad, heavy with onions, blue cheese, and green olives. Musty. An afternoon game of Scrabble. Some simple words, some complex words, always some dispute, always fun.

Heat up some pizza rolls in the oven and pour a glass of ginger ale. The TV goes on for an episode of The Good Wife. How does this show stay so good every time? Then CSI Miami in which the bad guy wears Vibram Five Fingers toe shoes! Don't profile! Toe shoe wearers ban CSI Miami! One last bathroom break and snack for the animals and then it's back to THE CLOUD.