Friday, October 7, 2011

Lightning Quick Movie Preview: In Time

Ok, this is a first. I'm writing about a movie that has not come out yet. It will come out in Oct. I'm doing this because I'm pretty interested in the concept of this movie. Of minor note one of the main stars is Justin Timberlake, who like me is bringing sexy back!

From watching the previews and doing some research online, In Time seems to be a movie where
1) people stop aging at 25
2) you have a countdown timer embedded on your arm. When your time runs out, you die. To live longer you have to find ways to get more time.
3) things cost time instead of money.

The last two concepts are very interesting to me.

In this world, traditionally we work about 25% of our total lives for money to pay for everything. Hey maybe that's where the movie got the number 25. The movie skips the money factor and gets down to the point. Buying things essentially takes time from your life because you need to spend time working to pay for it.

So here are a bunch of thoughts based on this.

1) Most things cost money.
2) You have to work for money.
3) Work takes time from your life, which is limited.
4) Time buys money but money does not really buy time.
5) The less things you need, the less money you need, the less work you have to do for money, the more time you have for yourself.
6) The more you stretch your money, the more time you have for yourself
7) You better enjoy your work because even if you are efficient you still need to spend time working
8) Enjoy your time because aside from being limited, you do not know how much you have.