Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Yes despite all the mosquitoes and extreme heat this is my favorite season. what to do what to do....

Farmers Market - buy fresh tomatoes, corn, basil and plants to start your own garden.

Veggie Garden - some dirt, some plants, some water and a shotgun to deter veggie stealing critters

Peach milkshakes from aformentioned fresh produce from Farmers Market

Tomato, basil, mozzarella, olive oil, sea salt. again Farmers Market (that's why it's listed first).

Riding bikes all summer like McCauley McCaulkin and Anna Chulmskey in "My Girl". I mean, I mean Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda in Easyriders! yeah! To the drug store to buy candy and ice cream

Ice Cream - chocolate and coffee for me please. In my Buddha bowl and with my titanium spork.

Beach - probably my favorite place to be

Swimming laps outdoors - put spf on your back

Mosquitoes and ticks - crush every single one of them

Driving in convertible - but not a Sebring

Eating fish and crablegs


Canoeing / Kayaking

Summer movies - may i suggest Kung Fu Panda 2 in 3D? skadoosh!

Any other suggestions? what did i forget? mention in the comments!