Thursday, May 5, 2011

Setting Goals

Apparently one of the keys to achieving your goals is to define your goals and your deadline for reaching them specifically. For example instead of saying you want to get in shape, you should say you want to bench press a maximum of 250lbs by July 1.

Another key is to tell people of your goal so they can encourage you (or harass you) about meeting your goal.

oh and make that first step a baby step so you will be encouraged not discouraged.

So here are three goals I'm setting for myself today. Nothing huge but to ultimately lead to bigger things.

1) ok whew! Just tested my baseline number of pullups. 18. not great. I think at my peak I could do about 28 straight. So my goal is to do 30 straight by June 1.

2) whew! pushups -33, the kitten got in the way. Ok my goal for pushups by June 1 is 50 straight.

To achieve this goals I'm going to do more pushups and pullups each day and also test my max periodically.

3) To help get my creative juices flowing, everyday I will fill one 5.5 x 8.5" sheet of paper with sketches and ideas. If it is nonsense, so be it. If it is one huge doodle to get the page filled, so be it. It will be practice in producing creativity.

Now I'm going to write these goals down (hey maybe on my sheet for today!) and also add the New Year's Resolutions to it.

Oh and one last thing. Please give me feedback on my blog by leaving comments. It's easy and the only way I'll ever learn.