Wednesday, July 17, 2013


We rented Trashed a few days ago.
It is a documentary hosted by Jeremy Irons (Scar from the Lion King). It shows and describes (in an English accent) in gruesome and vivid detail the awful effects our trash has on the environment and our health. 
From the documentary it looks like most of the trash is plastic bags and plastic bottles. Just because it's recyclable doesn't mean it gets recycled.
Don't use it in the first place.

Do you think you're doing enough? You're not.
Stop using plastic bottles. Get a stainless steel bottle with a stainless steel top instead.
Enough with the plastic bags. Use a reusable bag instead. 
Stop buying junk that doesn't last and that will have to be thrown away or recycled. And certainly don't give me junk.
And yes, recycle what can be recycled.

There is an alternative to all this trash.
All it takes is money, thought, creativity and effort.
We are going to step it up. How about you?