Monday, November 5, 2012

buy once for life: snow peak stubby titanium spork

I was thinking about spoons one day...yeah, you too?

I was thinking no one really wears out (metal) spoons (except for Bobby DeNiro in Red Lights). You may lose them, throw or give them away but you never really wear them out from all that eating. I've tried.

My two year old titanium stubby spork has gained scratches but remains up to the task.

Why cant everything be like a stubby titanium spork and last forever?

1. Simple. No moving parts.
2. Durable materials. Titanium.
3. (multi)Functional. It not only does the job of a spoon and a fork, it is a pleasure to use.
4. Beautiful. In all the above aspects.

It is important if something is going to last forever you want it to be beautiful and fun to use.

I'd like to see DeNiro bend this one.