Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Free books...without the boogers!

Books are awesome! A plethora of them occupy my home (hey is that occupy movement still going on?). The bad part is buying books can be expensive and they take up a lot of space. You also only end up reading a few of them again.

I love the library but let's face it, often the book covers are sticky, and the pages often have mysterious stains and ...boogers! While I have nothing against mining for nose gold I do endorse their proper disposal (cat's back).

Aside from making sure you get the new releases as soon as possible, there is another solution! Free library e-books! It's just recently become available in my red neck of the woods. I can use my library card to check out books and download it to my digital device.

So now I can check out books without running to the library. And I can read on my iPad with confidence that the only boogers I encounter are my own.