Silence.March is an example of what happens when a failed minimalist has a blog that reviews gear.
I have much more than I need so buying new stuff is going to be sporadic. And I'm ok with that. I think too much about stuff already. I have a list in my head of things I want when the things I have wear out. I need to just assume my stuff is going to last for a long time and not worry about it until I need to. The good thing about me buying quality stuff is it lasts for such a long time.
SwimmingI've said before that the great thing about swimming is it is easier for me to focus on working on technique rather than wondering what gadgets I can buy for this hobby / sport. I see so many people that bought watches, kickboards, pull buoys, fins, hand paddles, etc. And guess what? Most of them are not very good. They need to focus on technique and worry about the other stuff later. I'm still working on my technique.
A word about my swim gear. Goggles, suit, swim helmet, watch dial to count my laps. water bottle. That's all I have. Really, only the first two are needed. I use my girlfriend's fins and the pool's pull buoy. No interest in buying my own. The chlorine really kills my suit though. I switched to a dark color to prolong use. This Speedo Solar suit has made I about six months. My new Sporti Euro Brief is about ten dollars cheaper and it would be great if I can get it to last this long. It sure is small though...also will try just rinsing the suit and not using it in the hot tub to lengthen is life.
As a novice I never knew suits, goggles, and helmets were wear items. Chlorine just eats them up.
Internet addictionI think I need to reduce my use of the internet to healthier levels. I think I've been addicted to it since it became available on mobile devices. It's great because anytime you have a question you can look it up immediately. It's horrible because when ever you are bored, it's like smoking...light it up to give you something to do.
So I've reduced the number of people I follow on Twitter, which does make it a little more boring and more like a news feed. I reduced the number of apps on my iPod Touch homepage. I already visit far less car blogs than I used to. I put retail websites bookmarks in a folder marked "consumer" so I will visit them less often.
Will any of this make a difference? What will I find when this form of entertainment is reduced? Boredom? I don't know but that's the nice thing about life. I have an opportunity to tweak it, try to change things if I want to, and learn a lot about myself in the process.
CarsWhat is the longest you've owned a single car? My record is my current car...7 years and counting. I plan on owning it until it is too expensive to keep running. I checked and my family has owned the same car for up to 12-13 years! geez. As a car enthusiast I wonder if I would get bored having the same car for so long, but I really like my car so I might make it.