Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lightning Quick Movie Review: Limitless

...in which Bradley Cooper takes a smart pill and realizes he needs a haircut...

...i feeling smart pill wear off, but i gotta write this lightning quick movie review...

Money is tight and more than ever, people need advice on how to spend (and save) that money. Well if you have a dollar, forget buying a lottery ticket on the very miniscule chance that you would win and instead go rent Limitless from Redbox. It's a better execution than any lottery fantasy you could come up with anyway.

Bradley Cooper is "writer" (he actually has a contract with a publisher - how's that for a Hollywood fantasy?) who is living off his girlfriend while he struggles to start writing his book. He is going nowhere. He gets his big break when he takes a smart pill that curiously resembles a clear silicone nub you put on your home decor knicknacks so they don't scratch your wood furniture. Bradley then proceeds to obtain and enjoy all the stereotypical trappings of success - fame and fortune, but first he cuts off his baby ponytail and gets a more successful looking haircut.

As smart as that pill supposedly makes him, it takes Bradley awhile to figure out the first thing you do when you are granted a wish...you ask for more wishes, or in this case you figure out how to get more smart pills! For those expecting a "Flowers for Algernon" ending you will be disappointed. Otherwise this is a fun film and certainly worth a dollar*.

*Pro tip: watch it with someone else and it will only cost $0.50 each. I figured that out even without a smart pill.