There are a couple problems with my gear reviews. I typically do not buy gear just to try them out (you are welcome to send me something to test). Gear I do buy usually takes decades to wear out. So this means my gear reviews can be few and far between. I have been using a Sigg water bottle daily for the past two years. Aside from accumulated dents and scratches it has been functioning perfectly. If I waited for it to wear out, I'd never review another water bottle.
So I ordered a Klean Kanteen 12oz Wide Mouth Bottle. This is a 18/8 stainless steel bottle with the same volume as a Coke can. Yeah, it's the size they recommend for kids' lunchboxes. I figure the small size will make for easier daily carry because really, most days wherever you go you do not need to carry a gallon of water. There is usually some source in an urban setting. At home the wide mouth bottle can be used as an open cup and in an emergency situation I could boil water in it. Also the wide mouth makes it easier to clean and put ice in the bottle.
The top has a stainless steel inner piece so that no drinking water touches plastic. This is an interesting detail and I look forward to seeing how long this seal lasts. This top is the loop top option made of molded plastic. There is also a more compact d ring option with a folding metal d ring. I like the idea of less moving parts so I stuck with the loop top. Hmm, there is also a to-go mug option. I may have to try it sometime. Would be good for fast access to drinking in the car or wherever.
I've only had the bottle for a few days but it is going well. I will have more to report as I use this daily. The big question is, what stickers should I put on my new bottle?
If you want one, get one through this link below. I get a commission.
Klean Kanteen 12 oz. Wide Mouth Loop Top Stainless Bottle